Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been nearly a month

since I have posted! I don't have any pictures because I am not at my home computer. If I was I still wouldn't have pictures. I forgot to load them! Goofy me. I am going to get more pics soon and they will be great. Just wanted to give everyone a little update and let everyone know that it was a great Christmas around the Stephens family. I can't believe it is already 2009 and for that matter almost February! Do you know who your Valentine is? I sure do! My little nephew. I am one of those lucky single people and I love it. With cold weather it also brings the beginning of crawfish season and trust me...I have had my share of crawfish already and can't wait for more! They were great. I hope that you have a great weekend and I understand I need to get my camera out more often and I will!

Until next time...keep waving your red, white, and blue!
Much Love,