Thursday, July 7, 2011

Run/elliptical/walk/bootcamp workouts/crash

Today was another big day in working out! I like for Thursdays to be my long workout day and Saturdays are my long run days. I did a great 20 minute run and then did some bootcamp workouts and by then I was ready for the Elliptical! All in all today was a great day but man it was hot! Hope you all have a great Friday!

Bootcamp Exercises...Yes please!

Another great workout yesterday. It was a little mixture of things. Did some great stretches. After I stretched really good I went ahead and tackled sprints. They weren't bad. I was very pleased with my performance. As you know I did bootcamp about 2 weeks ago and took those exercises with me and did those yesterday. I placed my heel on a tractor tire (try saying that 3 times...ha!) and pushed up to make my body even with my shoulders while laying flat on the ground. I did 2 sets of 10 on each leg. My legs are pretty sore today. The good thing is that it won't stop me from today's workout! So ready to get out there and workout today! Until tomorrow's update!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Elliptical Anyone?

Yesterday's workout was a great one!. I decided that I have run outdoors a lot and I was kinda getting bored with the same ole track. I took my workout indoors yesterday and stayed on the elliptical for about 30 minutes. I enjoyed it so much and want to push myself even further so bad that I am going back today on the elliptical and going to go for about an hour. So far everything is going great. Trying to eat a little healthier and get my workouts in as much as possible while still trying to maintain a social life too! It is really crazy but I love it! I drive past the Neville track on the way to work in the mornings and part of me just wants to go ahead and pull in and have a little workout. Its hard not stopping but one must work! I am feeling great and loving it! I am sleeping better at night too. I was interviewed yesterday for the Ouachita Citizen Newspaper here in Monroe regarding my training for this Half Marathon. Very honored to share my story and my inspiration. I am looking forward to seeing this tomorrow! Thanks so much to Cody Futtrell! Hope you all have a great rest of the week!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Holiday...Getting back on track...literally!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great 4th of July Holiday! I sure did. I decided that my legs needed a little break. They sure deserved it! After all the hard work I had done last week. Can't wait to hit the track today to get some sprints in! Should be exciting! Also maybe a little stadiums. I'm sure I will have a great mixture of stuff to do. Friday I had a great workout. Saturday I took it easy and Sunday I went out there at noon like a crazy person and conquered! Felt great! Monday I took a much needed rest. I actually stayed in the house pretty much all day. It was so nice to actually relax but my mind was definitely going...I wanted to run. I fought the urge. I just kept telling myself that my legs really needed and deserved the rest. The Monroe Jaycees had their fireworks display on Saturday and I worked it and it was tiresome.
The weather is not looking so great for today but I still can't wait to get out there and run! Remember I am not giving failure and option here! I will succeed! I can't wait until I cross that finish line but there is so much work to be done before I can get to the start line! I hope everyone will follow my journey and encourage me throughout my journey! It has been awesome so far!

See you next time!
Failure is never an option
Determination wins everytime!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Big Workout

Wow! Yesterday was a huge day. I did a lot on yesterday to make up that I won't workout on Saturday. I hope to find time to workout on Saturday but I may not be able to. Therefore, the big workout yesterday. I did 12 sprints, 10 minute jog and a few stadiums. After I did stadiums I went and jogged 2 more laps and then walked a few laps to cool down. I have been very proud of myself lately! Been sleeping great and feeling great too. Everything is happening right on schedule. I could not be more excited. This is going to be a fabulous weekend filled with family and friends and I am looking forward to it. Not before I workout this evening though! Must get that workout in before I go have fun! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

For the video update please see and search for warhawkfan

Thanks so much to everyone for their support!

A special shout out to Kelsi Crain...Happy Birthday sweet girl!