Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well to update everyone....I have turned 1 year older since the last post and our friends were pretty good to us. Mr. Ike caused some major wind! He wasn't that ugly but I was ready to put up a fight! Now Gustav was really ugly! We had a lot of evacuees here in town. I believe we still do.
Football season has geared up and like I have said go to and look for Tiger Talk pictures...I took those! I am a little proud! Hope you all enjoy them. I apologize about the lack of pictures because my computer at home has been down. I hope to get it back up soon so I can get some pics up. I know it would be nice! Well I am so excited about football and how much fun that will be. Now that we have some nice fall weather it is also time for the fair! WOW! Elephant ears, corn on the cob, caramel apples, and chicken on a stick! I can't wait! Hope everyone is doing great!

Until next time....wave your red, white & blue!

Much love,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A few not so nice friends are coming....

Well it is September 2nd and we have already had a Category 2 hurricane hit by the name of Gustav. Guess he felt lonely because he has 4 more behind him. I guess they are going to be meeting for drink specials at some fantastic place. Oh I already know their names...they are Hanna, Ike, Josephine and Karina! I wish I knew their favorite place because at this point I think I want to join them. As you all may know I work Disaster Relief for the Red Cross and I have been putting in some major hours helping the people from down south. They have been very nice. I have however met some other friends (not storms) that have been coming in to help our local chapter of the American Red Cross. They have been amazing!

Not to get off subject or anything but I haven't talked about babies in a long while! WOW! My good friend Melanie just "had" her 2nd precious baby! The baby finally has a name! Gabby! I love that name too! I think Todd (Mel's husband) likes it too! Well this weekend was a little wild. I knew I was going to get called for Red Cross and at 9:35 Friday night my phone rang and I couldn't imagine who would be calling my house at 9:35 so I knew that was it so I just got prepared and packed my bag and left Saturday morning at 7. Still haven't seen my mother since Saturday! I am beginning to miss her and the funny part is that I am working locally! Just staying busy! I worked my real job today but it seems I had more Red Cross involved calls that City concerning calls. It happens that way after something like that happens!

I know my friends aren't going to be all that friendly especially my friends, Ike, Jospephine, Karina and Hanna but please be safe from them! They can get a little fiesty! But for now I think I am going to start shutting everything down here and preparing to go back to the shelter to make sure everything is going great which I know it is. Oh I forgot...I didn't post any pictures this post...that is because I have to get the pics put on a disc and get the other pics sent to The News Star! Yes I said the name of our local paper! Yes I did! The News Star! I took pics for them Saturday night (I managed to escape the shelter for a while!) and I think they turned out really good...just have to see what the experts say! I will be doing that at every game! Well with all that said it is time to say this....I am getting ready to go back to working Disaster Operations so I am going to head out!

Until next time....keep waving your Red, white and blue!

CHAD HAS 75 DAYS LEFT IN IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here he is in case you forgot what he looks like!

Much love,
