Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Deason's First Swim

Every year for Mother's Day we always go to my Puggie's sister's house and have a great meal. This year was no different. My Mama brought me over there and my Aunt Tootie made sure I had my swimsuit. I absolutely love my swimsuit and the water.

Pops put me in my raft for the first time in a big pool! I love the water! It was so much fun! Aunt Tootie took a bunch of pictures as always and has lots to share so please enjoy!

Here is me and my Mommy on Mother's Day! We had a party at my Great Aunt Donna's house! It was so nice as always and she has a BIG pool!

I sometimes don't pay attention and totally turn my head and this happens to be one of those pictures I did that in so enjoy my side view!

That is my swimming adventure at Aunt Donna's!
Until next time...keep waving your red, white & blue!
Much Love,
aka Aunt Tootie

Friday, May 8, 2009

Working in the yard...

Deason likes to help a little out in the yard and when I went out there I found him checking this out...the cool thing about it is that he looks so cute checking those plants out. He didn't think that was enough.

He thought the grass needed mowing so he enlisted the help of his T-Daddy to help him...

Then as if that wasn't enough he went to check the plant on the other side of the yard...

He then asked for a break because all that is hard work so he got to play on the swing...

He wanted to go work in the front yard but only got to see the foliage...

This little man LOVES the yard...you see that beautiful smile on his face. All through this hard work. Needless to say we were very proud of him and he did a wonderful job! It is hard to believe that my nephew is 10 MONTHS OLD! He is almost a year old! He is walking and said his first words. It is very exciting for all of us to see this. It is bittersweet because we know our little man is growing up so fast.
Until next time...keep waving your red, white & blue,
Much love,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chocolate Easter Bunny Adventure

Well hello my friends....my Puggie (my grandmother) decided to let me eat my chocolate bunny that the Easter Bunny put in my basket. It started out so innocently...

I wasn't really sure if I wanted to adventure into the chocolate just yet but rest assured I did and it was so good. Just look at all these pictures that my Aunt Tootie took of me! My Aunt Tootie, Puggie, Maw Maw & T-Daddy really enjoyed watching me eat that Chocolate Bunny! It was so much fun! But it is going to be a while before I venture into something so sweet again! Just look at the pictures from Aunt Tootie....Aunt Tootie said to enjoy them and she loves her friends for looking!