Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well to update everyone....I have turned 1 year older since the last post and our friends were pretty good to us. Mr. Ike caused some major wind! He wasn't that ugly but I was ready to put up a fight! Now Gustav was really ugly! We had a lot of evacuees here in town. I believe we still do.
Football season has geared up and like I have said go to and look for Tiger Talk pictures...I took those! I am a little proud! Hope you all enjoy them. I apologize about the lack of pictures because my computer at home has been down. I hope to get it back up soon so I can get some pics up. I know it would be nice! Well I am so excited about football and how much fun that will be. Now that we have some nice fall weather it is also time for the fair! WOW! Elephant ears, corn on the cob, caramel apples, and chicken on a stick! I can't wait! Hope everyone is doing great!

Until next time....wave your red, white & blue!

Much love,

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