Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good Mornin!

Hey good morning! I am not sure if I have told you or not but I have a friend over in Iraq. I have met some of the most wonderful group of women that has kept me updated and has let me know the going ons of Iraq. This is Chad's first deployment. He is just a friend but I keep him in my prayers every night! They are awesome. Things have been just crazy! I have another dear friend of mine named Melanie Groves. Her and her husband are awesome people along with their most incredible family! Love them to death. They have an incredible angel nephew by the name of Jake Raborn. You should stop by some time to see them at She would love to "see" you! Melanie I know is proud of me for starting this blog! She has been trying to get me to do it...ta da it is! Looking forward to see what today has in store for me. I work at the Monroe City Hall in where else but Monroe, Louisiana! I love crawfish and can't wait for my brother to walk across that stage on Saturday! Until next time...Wave your red, white and blue! I will have to be sure and tell you about that angel Jake Raborn one day! Maybe tomorrow!
Always Believe!

1 comment:

melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey Erin. Way to go girl. You are going to love having a place to put your pics in a creative way. Happy WEdnesday. MElanie