Monday, June 30, 2008

Shake 4 Jake 2008

I have gotten to where I look forward to this event every year. Yeah yeah I know it is only in it's 2nd year but I love it and I have so much fun. This year was incredible. The band was called Fly By Radio and if you are anywhere near where they are playing I recommend that you GO! I actually left and came back because I loved it so much. Just incredible! You can go to their website at to check out tour dates and such! They are actually faster than I am...they already have pics up from the Shake. Speaking of pictures and the Shake...oh yes I took pictures! Wanna see? lol! here you go!
I LOVE SNAPFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOST MY DANG PICTURES! So now it will be tonight until you get pics! I am so sorry. I know you all are patiently waiting pics and I was so excited because I used my sister's computer and thought it would be faster....NOT!!!

On a serious note:
Please remember this is not a short week so we can have fun and pop fireworks but please remember why we have this short week!
Wave your flag along with me very proudly!
Much love,

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